

11/05/2024 to 11/05/2024




Heartbreakers, Southampton

Event Types:

Organized By:

Psych Ltd

About the tour

Elephants With Shotguns:

Formed in 2021, Elephants With Shotguns are a heavy alt-rock bass and drums duo hailing from Southampton with their evil, vampiric heavy riff sound drawing comparisons ranging from Queens of the Stone Age to Tigercub, from Royal Blood to Death From Above 1979 all culminating in a unique cocktail of original, darkly energetic power-riffery in the guise of a sweat drenched evening of eardrum satisfaction

As of January 2024, Elephants With Shotguns are recording their first full length album

-Released a 5 track debut EP in 2022 -Won ‘Best Alt Rock Act 2022’ with Radio Wigwam and Jamma Music -Featured on BBC Introducing in the West -Featured on Spotify Rock playlists -Completed 2 UK tours -Shred